Is 'Calories In' vs. 'Calories out' all you need to lose weight?

Good calories versus bad calories!

We've all heard the Maxim to lose weight it's simply calories in vs. calories out.  But is weight loss really that simple?  Unfortunately, although true, it is not the whole story.

To get the full picture, let’s start from the beginning.  If you’ve never heard the Calories in versus calories out equation, it simply states that if you burn more calories than you eat, you’ll lose weight. Conversely if you eat more than you burn, you’ll put on weight.  Full stop.

Now, in principle, this is correct. You can’t lose weight if you eat more calories than you burn.  To burn fat, your body must be in a caloric deficit so you can burn your energy stores (and fat is basically stored energy).  All diets that promote some form of weight loss have a calorie restricted component within it.  (That’s why pretty much all diets work, in the beginning at least).

But beware, this can be completely misunderstood.  As a clever client said to me in response: “So I can not eat a thing all day, have a Big Mac Meal for dinner, and I’ll lose weight?”.  Now, technically, they’re correct.  A big Mac meal, although junk food, would still have less calories than an overall day’s caloric needs. 

So, what’s the answer?

A quick google search (I literally just googled it) shows that a Cheeseburger, Fries and coke has around 830 calories in it.  A similar calories meal, say Grilled Salmon and veggies, or a Chicken Salad, could have around the same amount of calories (depending on portion size).  Same number of calories for both meals.  But what about their nutritional value?  What nutrients do you get from the Cheeseburger meal vs the healthier version?  What protein, healthy fats, vitamins & minerals does the body need to function properly?

So if you want to lose weight effectively, and keep it off for the long term, you need to ask yourself: what foods do I need to eat that will give me the nutrition I need whilst remaining in a calorie deficit?  Seeking out nutrient dense foods will keep you lean, fit, healthy, energetic and sexy.

Eat good calories, not bad calories.

Jerome Samaha

Dad Jokes expert.


P.S.  As always, here’s a dad joke for finishing the article:

           I visited my friend at his new house.  He said “Make yourself at home”.  So I threw him out.  I hate visitors.

Jerome Samaha