Is this the missing link to your workout schedule?

Is Yoga the missing link to your workouts at BHC?

Have you ever tried yoga? Or does the look of the studio, the Zen music and incense burning

make you feel a little uncomfortable? Or perhaps you are unsure of what the styles are and

what would best suit you?

This guide will hopefully answer any questions you may have and encourage you to add yoga

to your workout regime.

Yoga isn’t just all about getting your zen on and blissing out, although it does help calm and

nourish the nervous system, which thanks to our over stimulated society has become


Physically yoga does help stretch out all your muscles, and lengthen them – especially if you

have been hitting the strength and cardio classes – this is an excellent way to help with your


Yoga also is very strengthening – don’t be fooled.

Using core and upper and lower body strength to flow through poses, this will help you with

building core and overall body strength.

Vinyasa – Flow yoga

Vinyasa is a style of yoga where postures are strung together so that you move from one to

another, seamlessly, using breath.  Commonly referred to as “flow” yoga.  This isn’t about

 “throwing our bodies around” but are bringing consciousness to each movement in each


We start class with some breathing exercises, and slowly start to build movement –

eventually moving through balancing, strengthening and core poses. Towards the end of the

practise we slow down again and begin to hold stretches for a little longer, always ending

with relaxation.

Try out our Flow Classes:

Monday 12 pm & 6pm

Wednesday 6pm

Sunday 8am


Yin yoga

Yin Yoga is a slow-paced style of yoga.

Is the opposite to the moving and flowing style of yoga & working out. Yin yoga is all about

stillness and holding poses for a couple of minutes.

It is the perfect Yoga Chill Pill for our busy life’s and a wonderful way to release the

connective tissues of the body. Great counter poses if you have been doing a lot of PT’s,

strength classes or cardo.

While initially this style of yoga can seem quite boring, passive, or soft, yin practice can be

quite challenging due to the long duration of the poses, and mentally we can become quite

distracted or irritated so this practise can also be a great doorway to meditation.


Join us for some Yin

Wednesdays 7.15pm

Sunday 5pm