Smash your 2024 Fitness Goals with these top 5 tips.

If clean eating and exercise was easy, then we’d all be walking around really lean with toned bodies. If only…. The unfortunate reality is though the population is slowly getting bigger and our health is slowly declining. (Now I know what you’re thinking, you’re thinking that if everyone was lean and toned, then I’d be out of a job, and that would suck for me. But I’m a really, really good guy. So for the sake of me being awesome, I’ll hope for everyone to be amazing and never need me to train them :))

I know it’s hard. I find it hard myself sometimes. But with these five really simple tips below, it’ll be a little easier. Happy reading.


Don't just wish for your goal to naturally happen, make a plan on how you're going to get it done. For example, if weight loss is your goal, then you know that diet if the biggest factor in succeeding. How will you improve your diet? What changes will you make? Write it down and make it happen.


Why do you want to lose xxx kilos? Why do you want to tone up? Why is it so important to you? Let's dig a little deeper. The road to any goal is filled with good and bad days. The bad days are when you can't be bothered or you just want to break. It's natural and unavoidable. When you choose your goal, knowing your "why" will push you through and keep you on track.


Take your yearly goal and break it down to either 90 day goals or 1 month goals. Losing 10 kilos seems daunting and scary. But losing 800 grams per month seems a lot more achievable and less imposing. So take a big hairy goal, break it down to small parts, and tick off the milestones along the way.


This one can be tricky. Ask yourself, what will stop you achieving your goal? Your love of chocolate? Your potato chip habit? Friday night work drinks? Know your obstacles ahead of time, then plan how to beat them.

For me, it’s potato chips. Not hot chips, the packet stuff. Love them. If I don’t control myself I can have multiple packets per week. This year I’ll hardly eat them without using any willpower. How? Simple. I noticed that I only eat chips after I’ve put the kids to bed and set down on the couch to watch a movie to TV show. I love snacking whilst watching TV. So, I’ll simply switch the late night TV to reading a book instead. Craving gone! I mean, I’ve never sat down to read a book and thought “I’d love to munch on some chips whilst I’m reading this book”.


The best way to form new and healthy habits is by hacking the environment around you. What does that mean? Glad you asked.

One of my goals this year is to read more, so do help this all I'm simply doing is placing a book on top of my pillowcase every day. So when I go to bed, I'm reminded to do my reading every night. This works for anything. ie: to work out in the morning, place your workout gear at the foot of the bed every night, to eat healthy snacks, get rid of junk food in the pantry and put healthy stuff at eye level. This works for anything.

Let me know if these tip help. I’ve kept it brief so if you want more information of want me to delve deeper into a tip for you, contact me

Jerome Samaha