Is there a Difference between "Healthy Eating" and "Eating for Weight Loss"?

There is so much information out there regarding nutrition it’s hard to know who to listen to and what advice to take. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from being in the fitness industry for 20 years is that there is no “One size fits all“ approach. Every single person’s body is different and will react differently to the same foods eaten by other people. So if Sharon from next door loses 10 kilos on the paleo diet, it doesn’t mean you’ll get the same if you eat like Sharon. (Guys, Sharon is a made up person and a made up name. I actually don’t know any Sharon’s. Ha ha)

But for today, here's what I want to quickly talk about:


Is Healthy Eating the same as Eating for Weight loss. Like my favourite T-shirt says, “Same, Same, but Different”. It is important to note that they are mostly similar, as junk food contains a mountain of calories so eliminating them will make you healthier and lose weight. So yes both clean eating and eating for weight loss involves cutting things out like Chip, chocolate, Wine, Biscuits, Deep Fried food and many other treats.

But it is important to know that there are slight differences between the two. Let me explain the 2 big ones:

In the first two photos below, they're all healthy meals. But small changes in those meals dramatically reduce the Calorie intake. Avocado, for example, is a very very healthy food to eat. It is high in “Good Fats”. Like Olive Oil and almonds, it is healthy and can be part of a Clean Eating Plan. But as you all know, it is very high in calories, and eating a lot of it will actually hinder your ability to lose weight due to it’s high calorie content. So if you're just doing clean eating, go for it. However, if you're doing a calorie restriction plan, it's best to reduce as much as possible.

2) Portion Control! If you're eating all the right foods, and the scales aren’t moving, then you have to look at your portion size. Eating the right foods, but eating too many of them will not put you in a Calorie deficit. And you need to be in a calorie deficit if you want to lose weight. The last photo is a simple pasta dish. As you can see, filling up your plate a little more and adding an extra cup of pasta to your plate doubles the amount of calories you eat for dinner.

So, please keep these in mind. As always, if you have any questions, I'm happy to help so please let me know.

Jerome Samaha